Audrey & Troy (Tennessee Walker)
Our Tennessee Walker, Troy, has seemed haunted since moving to our property two years ago.
My intuition is that he had an abusive past, but as he has a pretty good life here living with two other geldings and a mare on a Paddock Paradise set-up and is well-loved by our family, it didn’t make sense to me.
When I saw Aileen’s post on an online horse group, I thought it would be interesting to see what she could find out.
Well, I must say that Aileen’s consultation with Troy was very revealing.
While he does, indeed, have an abusive past, he loves living here and is worried that he’ll be taken away – either by “strangers” who work here from time to time, or by spirits.
Apparently he will be just dozing off and suddenly right in front of him a man with a painted face will appear and it startles him, and then the man will disappear into thin air.
In addition, he feels that the painted men want to lead him off and he doesn’t want to go with them and he’s worried they will take him away.
This probably all sounds pretty far-fetched, but our 12-year old son sleeps in our room because he’s afraid of “people who watch him” also!
Apparently our property is full of wandering men with painted faces (Ohlone Indians or another local tribe I would suspect).
Aileen gave the recommendation of smudging the property, grounding Troy to the earth’s core, assuring him that this is his forever home and that we will protect him from anyone who may want to take him away.
After “grounding him” and having a few chats with Troy, he already seems so much more relaxed! Hope to find time to smudge soon – am waiting for a construction project to get completed first!
Santa Cruz Mountains, California. USA.